Que. What is web offset printing?
Ans. Web offset is a form of offset printing in which a continuous roll of paper is fed through the printing press. Once the printing is done, the pages are separated and cut to the required size.
Que. Is web offset printing same as sheet-fed offset printing? 
Ans. No,web offset printing is different from sheet-fed offset printing. In sheet-fed offset printing, individual pages of paper are fed into the machine. Also, sheet-fed offset printing is popular for small and medium-sized fixed jobs such as limited-edition books.
Que. What are the methods of web offset printing?
Ans. There are two methods of web offset printing:

  • Heat set – in this process, ink is dried rapidly by forced-air heating.
  • Cold set (non-heatset) – in this process, ink dries slowly by ordinary evaporation and absorption.

Que. What is the width of paper used for web offset printing? 
Ans.The standard paper width varies between 11 and 56 inches (approximately 28 and 142 centimeters).

Que. How many types of web offset printing are there?
Ans. There are two types of web offset printing. Some of the web offset press transfer text and images to only one side of the print medium at a time. Others can print on both the sides simultaneously.

Que. Whether color registration control can be computerized and can be controlled from remote place?
Ans. Yes, color registration can be controlled from the computerised control desk – but this facility is optional.

Que. What is the speed of various models of machine?
Ans. The speed of machines vary from model to model. Different models of machines have different copies per hour (depending upon the speed) while paper is fed through the system at speeds ranging from 5 to 50 feet per second (approximately 1.5 to 15 meters per second).

Que. Is it possible to insert supplement page (colored/black & white) in the main section of the newspaper automatically? 
Ans.Yes, it can be done with the help of an additional folder known as Balloon Former. This folder is fitted on the top of the main folder (optional).

Que. Whether Dampener/Inker, on/off can be controlled from remote place? 
Ans. Yes, it can be remote controlled from control desk – but this facility is also optional.

Que. Whether 4Hi Tower or 4 color Satellite Unit and Stack Unit can be added with our existing similar type machines (e.g., Goss Community machines). If yes, what is the criteria for adding on printing unit/units with the existing machine?
Ans. Yes, 4Hi Tower/4 color Satellite Unit and Stack/Mono Unit can be added with similar types of machines but for this, the drive unit and motor capacity must be adequate to drive such add on printing units. Otherwise, suitable drive unit will successfully drive the machine.

Que. Whether folder can fold sections upto book size?
Ans. Yes, folder can be folded upto book size by adding Double Parallel Folder.

Que. For how many years you have been manufacturing web offset printing machines?
Ans. We have been in this field for the last 20 years and today we specialize in manufacturing web offset machines.